I have numerous questions about how to keep your body size
where it should be for your body type.
I have been thinking about what works! Good exercise
programs and diets start with mental awareness.
#1 Start by being positive about exercise! All too often we
talk negative about exercising. Either we tell ourselves it
doesn't work for me, I have no one to exercise with, its' boring,
My body hurts, its' too hard, I don't have the time, etc.
You get it ~ the list can go on and on.
Stop being NEGATIVE & start being POSITIVE!
- I can do something good for myself today
- ANY bit of exercise is GOOD exercise
- I have control over exercise. I own my body.
- I know I will feel better after I do something for myself.
- The sweet rewards of exercise are life changing, and rewarding
- If you think you are fat, then start telling yourself how sexy
and strong you are being fat. Positive self talk helps you make
the sexy gains you want to feel from getting in better shape. Exercise
is good for any body type. I have always thought if there is any Fat
then make it the best, sexiest Fat you can. It is time to stop watching
the world just go by. Take Control!
The point is, is start self healing. Afterall no one else can hear your
thoughts and your inner feelings. It is time to take control of YOUR
life! The bottom line here is no one, and I mean no one else can do
this for you. Believe me, no matter what size you are or where you
are in your life exercise is the one thing that you can have CONTROL over.
If you are struggling to find 5 minutes or 1 hour of time to exercise
I suggest you write down your weekly schedule and "book" yourself some time.
If you need to communicate this with your family, let them know that this is
"your" time. This may require taking your family along with you sometime, but
the point is you are working to build some exercise into your schedule.
Your self confidence, a stronger body, and a better, healthy person.
Try to start small:
- For an overweight person who may have trouble with their knees or feet
try a seated (recumberant bike)
- Graduate to walking
- Then after weeks or months of getting stronger you can alternate the two
or stick to one for an exercise session.
- Start small and gradually add a minute and keep gettin stronger
Toxic food environments
61 % of most peoples diets are processed foods.
Stats are climbing for Americans dying younger of heart failure or developing Diabetes,
etc. Stats also predict that in 40 years that most of Americans will be obese.
It is equally important to take control of your diet! Feed your mind continuously
with magazines and books and the internet with better nutrition tips and healthier
meal plans. Again, start by replacing one of your snacks or meals with a healthier
choice meal/snack. Then wean yourself gradually from one bad meal/snack.
The point is, is that you didn't get 'where you are today' overnight with your
exercise and diet habits, so you can't change instantly overnight to where you would
like to be. The fact is that you will NEVER get there however, if you stay where
you are and decide to do NOTHING!
Think POSITIVE, schedule YOUR TIME, educate YOURSELF, start SMALL, & NEVER QUIT!
The only way to move forward ~ is to take A Step! Good Luck !
Best to a healthier more Positive YOU! x 2 - The FT's
Ever wonder if you are getting stronger, or maybe wonder
how fit you are? Well take this quick fitness test
to gage your level of endurance and strength.
Do these directly in the order they are listed.
1. On a treadmill or the street at 5 mph jog/run for 20 seconds
2. 10 Sit Ups
3. 5 Full Push Ups
4. 2 Full Body Jump Backs (jump with hands over head then drop to the
squat position, pop back into the push up position, the jump back to the
squat position then back up again and repeat.)
This is also a fun drill to challenge your workout buddy.
When you are done gage your level of fitness by how winded you are,
can you speak, are your legs numb, etc.
Work on this program until this one circuit becomes easy to do.
You may decide you like this drill and can do it in circuits to get
a full body blast!
If this drill is very easy do it in circuits and make a note of how
many times it takes before you are just pooped.
Good Luck and enjoy getting stronger for your body type!
All the best in Fitness x 2!
Here are some ways Dad can be a good assistance to the new mommy and baby. This is a great way for Dad to build his confidence too as a provider and caregiver. This will also help him and the baby bond during their new relationship.
1. Remember that babies aren't really breakable. Don't be afraid to hold yours. If you are unsure of the proper way to hold the baby be sure to ask at the hospital prior to leaving and/or relatives or friends.
2. If you are feeling left out talk to your partner about it. Chances are it's not on purpose. Mom has a lot on her mind and she is exhausted, even if she appears to be full of 'energy'. Be sure to 'jump in' and help or ask.
3. New moms often have emotional ups and downs that are not predictable. Be supportive and offer a listening ear when possible. Learn the warning signs of postpartum depression and seek help if the situation is heading out of control. If new mom gives you answer of 'nothing is wrong' when you ask be sure to inquire a little more. Often women can hold back and want you to really inquire rather than start an empty conversation. Don't take what she discusses personally, she is probably just needing to talk to an adult and express herself. Remember she is talking to you because she trust and loves you.
4. Support her with breastfeeding. Tell her that you're proud of her and protect her from well meaning but negative comments about breastfeeding. Take a breastfeeding class during the prenatal period if possible. This helps to show you that there are many other men involved in breastfeeding classes and it is cool. Breastfeeding is best and you two have to be a team to give your child the best nutrition.
5. Help with the other children (if applicable) or household. Remind mom to let the house go and to focus on her recovery and the new baby. In order for her to concentrate you will have to have the 'path' picked up so she won't be reminded of clutter. Try to make things cozy and comfortable.
6. New dads can also experience the blues or postpartum depression. Much in your life has changed and its important to realize this and get help if you need it as well. Afterall you have to be available for help at the house in addition to carrying on with your job. It often helps to talk to your spouse daily about your new life together and discuss the positives of this new life together. Also reflect on how the two of you met fell in love and made this new baby.
7. Remember that the only thing you can't do is breastfeed. You can change diapers, soothe a crying baby, carry the baby, play with the baby, anything the baby needs done. But you can bottle feed breast milk and make your own bonding time with the baby. Even if the baby only takes a little from the bottle it is shared time together.
8. If you need help ask for it. Know who to call in your area for help and support whether it be a doctor or midwife, a postpartum doula, lactation consultant, or the local babysitter. If you need assistance with finding child care or funding for child care contact the Child Aware program for assistance. They can guide you to your local Child Care Resources and assist you with a list of local facilities. Phone: 1800-424-2246 for assistance.
9. Mom is going to need extra sleep and care while her body recovers. Get up with the baby when you can. Bring the baby to her in the middle of the night if possible. If you must go back to work check in with her during the day. Perhaps surprise her with some healthy take out food or fresh flowers. Be patient when you get home. She may approach you with help requests (a list) or ask lots of favors. Keep in mind she is not being bossy she is just trying to finish the task for the day. If you really want to get in good, just give her back and neck rubs. This area is extremely tired after holding a baby all day.
10. Remember that adding a new baby to the mix is always going to stir your life up a bit, even if it's not your first baby. Learning to live with another human being takes time. Give yourself a break if you need it as well.
Schedule days that each of you can 'get out' and do a normal adult outting with friends or alone. It will refresh both of you when you get back together.
“When you start to age you will notice one of the first signs of aging is stiffness”. Even when you are a teenager or young adult you will notice that you will tend to tighten up your body’s muscles and joints.
Flexibility is crucial not only for preventing injury but also, because muscles build strength and endurance only in the range through which they move, for achieving any form of your fitness goal.
Flexibility also becomes an issue for a lot of people whom after college may start spending less time moving their body and more time chained to a desk. This can cause a lot of tightening in the hamstrings and lower back, causing a lot of discomfort and risks of injury when performing various activities.
Don’t worry though, if you are already tightening up those muscle, know it is never too late to start a daily stretching routine to get you back on the road to improving your flexibility. The great thing is you can start one muscle at a time too, for example you can achieve great flexibility in your hamstrings but your shoulders may still be tight.
Therefore, it is a great idea to start with some simply all over body stretches and then work your way on toward more advanced specified muscle group stretches.
Here are some fantastic body stretches you can do in about 10-15 minutes a day to get your entire body stretched out:
1. Standing Torso Twist – slowly twisting the body in a standing position twist from left to right to loosen up the spine and lower back.
2. Reach Ups – Reach with both hands all the way up as high as you can and clasp them together and take a deep breathe in, next on the way down slowly lower your arms and hands and exhale returning the arms to the side.
3. Cat Stretch – either standing with your hands on your knees or on the ground with your hands and knees on the floor like a cat, round up your back with a deep breathe in and then relax your back to an arched position along with a big exhale, repeat for 5 deep breathes.
4. Seated Torso Twists – Sit on the floor and with your right leg out straight and the left crossed over the right leg, place your right arm over the left leg and reach behind you with your left arm toward the ground as if you are trying to look behind you. Hold for a couple of seconds and then switch legs and repeat on the opposite side.
5. Seated Straddle Stretch – Seated with your lead out in front in a V-position, slowly reach toward the center until you feel the stretch and then hold for 10-30 seconds. Repeat the exercise 3 times and exhale your breathe out when you are reaching to hold the stretch.
6. Back Crunch Rolls – Lie on your back and pull your knees toward you in a ball position and crunch your chest toward your knees and hold, then release. Repeat 5-10 crunch holds.
7. Standing Calf Stretch – Lunge forward toward a wall with one leg and leave the other leg stretched behind you with your heel to the floor if possible. This move looks like you are trying to push down the wall. Repeat stretch with the other leg.
8. Overhead Triceps Reach – Standing or seated reach behind your head with one arm and try to extend your fingers between your shoulder blades toward the middle of your back. You may use your other hand to grasp your elbow and help with the stretch. Repeat the stretch on the other side.
9. Chest and Triceps Stretch – Seated Indian style or standing, reach behind you with both hands and clasps them together. Try to extend both arms for a full stretch.
10. Alligator Stretch – Lie on your stomach and then gently push up onto your elbows at first and try to look back at the ceiling or the other wall behind you for stretch in your stomach muscles (abdominals) and your lower back. You may advance the stretch from your elbows/forearms onto your hands for a deeper stretch.
Make sure with any stretch you don’t stretch too far, a stretch should be held for about 10-30 seconds at the point where it just starts to stretch the muscle. You should never feel as though the muscle is burning or pulling and do not ‘bounce ‘ while stretching as this can result in a pull or strain of the muscle.
Also, for best results it is good to do a light warm-up of 5-7 minutes, like walking, dancing, a hot bath or cardio exercise to get the muscles warmed up before stretching them.
Let's face it, we all have very busy lives. From the time we wake up to the time we go to bed, we are all 'too busy'. So what can we do to make fitness a part of our life. Let's just focus on 15 minutes a day. Now that doesn't sound too bad!
The key to having a fit lifestyle and body is consistency and efficiency. By making just 15 minutes of your day your fitness time, you can transform your body in just a few short weeks. Our tip is making this 15 minutes worth your while by adding resistance with weights. There is no need to go super heavy, by using weights you can handle you will probably enjoy your "workout" for 15 minutes instead of feeling like you have just been "worked over". Of course we are not suggesting to throw down the heavier weights. When you have the time and your body needs a little more push, go stronger! But for fitting in a resistance program for 15 minutes try this scenario.
The workout:
3 three exercises per body part (3 sets each)
Your rests are very short, your 15-minute workout can produce the same benefits of an hours worth! How so? What about the rests? You get only a 15-second rest after every three sets, so you rest 12 times, or 360 seconds, which is 3 minutes. Added up, the total workout is 15 minutes.
* Day one you will be working your chest, shoulders, biceps and triceps.
For chest:
1. Flat dumbbell presses x 3
2. Chest flies x 3
3. Cross bench pullovers x 3
* three sets each (a set is a group of repetitions.) That is a total of 9 sets.
For Shoulders:
1. Overhead Shoulder Press x 3
2. Side Lateral Shoulder lifts x 3
3. Shoulder Upright rows x 3
For Biceps:
1. Standing Bicep Alternating Curls x 3
2. Standing Bicep Hammer Curls x 3
3. Seated Bicep Concentration Curls x 3
For Triceps:
1. Overhead Tricep Press x 3
2. Tricep Kick-back x 3
3. Tricep dips x 3
An ordinary workout that seeks to build bulk asks you to rest at least one minute after each set. That would mean 36 minutes of resting time! When you add the 33 minutes (with our workout, you rested only 3 minutes) to your workout, you have a 48-minute workout that you do in only 15 minutes.
What's the catch? You can't get big hulky muscles like Arnold, but what you do get is a lean, defined, toned body. This is often referred to as lean muscularity, plus this is a great maintenance routine when you can't his a big workout.
In addition, If you are just starting out, after 12 weeks of working out, your muscles will increase your metabolism, so you can eat 15 percent more than before without gaining weight! Putting more muscle fire in your body for burning calories!
You will be exercising one half of your body one day (upper), the other half the next (mid/lower), and then you will repeat one or two more times during the week.
* Day two will be back, abdominal, thighs and butt.
For Back:
1. Under hand bent over lat pulls x 3
2. One-arm lat rows x 3
3. Reverse flyes x 3
For Legs / Butt:
1. Standing squats x 3
2. Standing alternating lunges x 3
3. Deadlifts x 3
For the Abs:
1. Reverse crunches / or pelvic tilts x 3
2. Side Oblique crunches x 3 each side
3. Standard ab crunch x 3
Feel free to change up your moves to adapt to your body and fitness needs, but try to not be too easy on yourself, after all you are trying to make changes, right? These exercises listed will get you started. Have a great 15 minutes! Why not get started today! All the best to your fitness and good health.
Try this core challenge to not only strengthen your full abdominal area, but these holds also allow you to breathe and relieve tention and stress. Do these for each side, left and right. Remember to breather.
Week 1 - kneeling side bridge / 2 sets / hold 30 seconds
Week 2 - kneeling side bridge / 2 sets / hold 60 seconds
Week 3 - Side bridge / 2-3 sets / hold 45 seconds
Week 4 - side bridge / 2-3 sets / hold 60 seconds
Week 5 - elavated bridge / 2-3 sets / hold 45 seconds
Kneeling side bridge: lye on your side and press up on your elbow while tightening your abs and breathing, leaving your knees on the floor. Reach a 45 degree angle with your body in line and hold this pose.
Side bridge: lye on your side and press up on your elbow while tightening your abs and breathing, this time taking your knees off the floor. You should have tight legs, buttocks, abs, chest, and head all in a row reaching a 45 degree angle with your body in line and hold this pose.
Elevate bridge: This is the most challenging move, using a bench, resistance ball, chair or couch, place your feet on the higher level (ex. bench) and while on one side press up on your elbow or for taller items, press and hold up with your hands. Do this while tightening your abs, body lines, and remember to breathe. Hold the angle with your body in line and hold this pose.
To get faster try these speed drills.
Do 10 reps of each move moving from one move to the next. You should take no more than about 10 seconds to transition from one move to the next.
Perform these moves in a sequence doing all 5 exercises 10 times each = 1 round
Rest 1-2 minutes after completing round 1
Repeat the 5 moves doing all each 10 times each completing round 2
Do these 2 more times totalling 4 rounds total.
Here are the moves:
1. Tuck Jump (Using your arms jump and reach up, while quickly bringing both knees into your chest)
2. Squat Jump (from the squat position, use your arms and jump up reaching high with your arms and landing back in the squat position)
3. Power Skip (skipping in a forward motion but skipping upward)
Zig-Zag Bound (skipping at diagonals with strong arm movements)
5. Jump Stick the landing (basically this is a big jump landing in a strong stance with soft knees)
Pregnancy is such an exciting adventure. However, pregnancy can also be a nerve-racking experience. You are flooded with thoughts, emotions and questions. People used to view pregnancy as if the mother had the flu and should rest, hydrate, and eat well until she is better.
Thank goodness things have changed and research has proven that exercise is healthy for pregnant women. Their is of course those who now view the pregnant woman who exercises as invincible, or as she is having such an "easy" pregnancy.
Regardless, what was previously thought to be the time to take it easy is now encouraged to be the time to get moving. Exercising during pregnancy has numerous benefits for both mom and baby. It is not only OK to be active while pregnant, it's vital for the health and fitness for both mother and the baby.
Fortunately there are few restrictions for prenatal exercises, offering moms many options to incorporate fitness into their pregnancy. The list of benefits related to exercise during pregnancy seem to go on today. Studies have shown that mothers who exercised during pregnancy gave birth to leaner, calmer babies, healthier babies, who are often more likely to stay leaner later in life. These children were also in a high category of less likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes, an emerging epidemic in America. Giving your child a healthy start in life is one of best gifts you can give them. Think of it as passing on the 'fitness gene' to your unborn child.
Times have changed and we have plenty of information about pregnancy and fitness. The American Journal of Obstetrics concluded that babies born of women who exercised through pregnancy were often better able to adapt to their new environment after birth, compared to those who's mother did not exercise.
By December 2000, research proved that beginning a moderate weight-training routine in early pregnancy enhances fetoplacental growth. Further research in 2004 showed resistance training during pregnancy might help overweight women with gestational diabetes avoid insulin therapy.
In just the first few months of 2007, several studies have been published concluding that women who gained excess weight during pregnancy have a higher risk of needing a cesarean-section, and gave birth to children who had a higher risk of being overweight.
The prevalence of childhood obesity is extremely high in the U.S. Prevention seems to be our best bet, and it starts in the womb. If the trend of prenatal exercise catches on, the rising epidemic of obesity could be drastically slowed.
As if giving your child a healthy body wasn’t enough motivation, studies have even shown that exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the womb, enhancing brain development. So by simply doing something that provides yourself with a long list of benefits, you are giving your child a mental and physical head start in life.
Let's not forget to mention by exercising mom is also preparing for labor, gaining strength, stamina, and endurance. Exercise also helps minimize many side effects of pregnancy such as poor blood flow, leg cramps, fatigue, stress, blood pressure, improper weight gain, sleepliness, irritability, proper balance and core strength, muscle and joint stiffness, back ache, headaches, and more.
Sound familiar? The benefits for mom during pregnancy are also beneficial to others. You can enjoy these benefits just by adding an exercise routine to your life. So encourage your spouse, family members and friends to get fit and start their routine now no matter how big or small it is better than nothing. Even after baby arrives it is just as important to keep up an exercise program, after all mom and dad will both have to keep up the new baby...... :-)
All the best to current parents, moms-to-be and those on the journey toward parent ~ get moving and get fit!
Continue reading "Exercise during Pregnancy ~ The new advice for moms to be is to stay fit! " »
A. Get a pair of dumbbells that are just heavy enough to do 12 bicep curls.
Do not cheat yourself, if you slack and get a pair that is too light in weight you won't build muscle.
If you get a pair that is too heavy you will more than likely break good form, which could strain or cause injury to your ligaments.
B. You will be moving in a circuit motion, starting with the first move and then immediately go to the next move and then the next one. Perform 12 reps of each movement before moving to the next movement. Remember to keep your breathing active and good posture.
After doing all three moves at 12 reps each, rest for 1 minute (60 seconds)
After the 1 minute break, repeat the circuit again for a a total of 4 rounds.
If you find that you cannot complete 4 rounds your first go at this circuit, try to do what you can until you build up your strength and endurance working toward the 4 rounds.
If you find that 4 rounds were too easy, "A piece of cake", etc. then review the weight you used, you were probably too light. Also review your rest period, was it too long? Keeping your circuit challenging and your rest period to 1 minute will keep your body in the cardio and strength training zone. Breathing correctly helps with your endurance and will help you control your heartrate during this circuit.
The Moves: (After a 5-10 minute warm-up)
1. Dumbbell Front Squat with an Overhead Arnold Delt Press
2. Using a Swiss (Ab) Ball - lye on the ball on your back with legs supporting you and your body engaged (tight abs), perform a bent arm pull over with chest press. Reach overhead pulling from your lats, then do the tricep press, then press the dumbbells in a chest press (either wide chest press, or close chest press). If you prefer do 12 reps of the overhead lat pull, then 12 reps of the tricep overhead extentions, then 12 reps of the chest press.
3. Dumbbell lunge with a bicep curl. Perform alternating lunges while curling the dumbbells with your biceps for 12 reps. Once you have done 12 reps including the bicep curls, keep lunging for 12 more reps with your legs only, while holding the dumbbells at your side.
Enjoy this circuit and feel the strength! All the best to better health & fitness x2!
1) Don't gain weight too rapidly.
That might sound simple, but to a large extent, you can control how you gain weight. Some women will gain more or less in certain trimesters, but the thing to remember is that every single day counts when you're pregnant. What you do and what you eat every day counts.
If you fall into the trap of thinking you can eat anything and everything you want just because you're pregnant, then rapid weight gain usually follows. The average pregnancy weight gain during pregnancy is 20-35 pounds
depending on the pregnancy of course.
2) Include essential fatty acids in your diet (EFA's).
Good fats play an important role in every function in the body and are found in every cell, including in your skin. Quality sources of essential omega-3 fats are avocados, walnuts, almonds, salmon, tuna, pumpkin seeds, and olive oil.
By the way, essential fats are important for your baby, too. They help your baby's brain develop properly, and studies show a link between good fats in the pregnant mother's diet and the baby's
performance on I.Q. tests at one year of age. Remember what you eat is passed to your unborn baby!
Some of my favorite Good Fats is Nuts!
Cashews: White Cashew nuts contain 75% unsaturated fat, which means these are great for your heart.
Walnuts: Walnuts have a large amount of Omega-3 fatty acids. This is both good for your brain and heart.
Almonds: Almonds give some of the best sources of Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant and immune system booster.
Pumpkin Seeds: Pumpkin seeds have a good source of protein in these dark green seeds. These "pepitas" provide high levels of phytosterols, which are believed to help lower cholesterol.
3) Keep well hydrated.
Drink your water, and if you don't like the taste of water, add some Crystal Light flavored packs, buy flavored waters, or add a little bit of fruit juice to it. Aim for ten to twelve, 12-oz. glasses of water every day. Just try not to get them all in at bed time. If you do, you will definately see why.
4) Avoid over-exposure to the sun.
It only takes 15 minutes of sunlight to get the daily requirement
of vitamin D, so protect yourself with sun block. Sun will darken any
stretch lines you may have and make them that much more visible. The sun can also emphasize freckles and skin color during pregnancy.
5) Use a good moisturizing cream.
A good moisturizer keeps your skin from drying out and becoming
itchy. It heals damaged or cracked skin. And, it helps prevent stretch
marks. One super-moisturizer is Shea butter. There are several good creams and lotions. A friend informed me about one called Alba Botanica Very Emollient Body Lotion that I found at my local Whole Foods Market. Many mothers-to-be opt for the traditional Cocoa-butter. Regardless, it is very important to keep your skin well mosturized. Rember the baby is drawing off of your body, and that means drying out your skin for most women. I keep a good mosturizer everywhere I am.
Genetics also plays a big part in whether or not you get stretch marks. If you're having twins or a very large baby, you may get some anyway. If you do, don't get upset. They will fade over time, and vitamin E oil and other over-the-counter lotions help clear up stretch marks faster. A friend told me to think of them as 'Love Lines' not 'stretch marks' and that makes the image seem a little sweeter.
Energy Drinks ~ What are they about?
Energy drinks are everywhere! They are often found in small cans at quick marts and claim to “energize” you and make you more alert. Some examples include:
Red Bull Energy Drink®
SoBe Adrenaline Rush®
SoBe No Fear®
Hype Energy Drink®
Red Dragon Energy Drink®
YJ Stinger®
The question you should ask ~ Are They Safe To Drink?
Unlike most food and beverages, energy drinks are regulated as supplements.
Caution - children and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid energy drinks.
Caution - energy drinks should NOT be mixed with alcohol and no more than 500 mL be consumed in one day.
Not all energy drinks that are sold have been evaluated by Health Care standards yet. If the energy has a NPN (Natural Health Product Number) on the can, it has been evaluated. Check the label.
If you have had a bad reaction to an energy drink you should let your health are provider know.
What is in Energy Drinks and Why?
Caffeine is a stimulant and can be found on energy drink labels listed as Guarana, yerba mate, or caffeine. Most drinks have 80 mg per 250 mL can, which is double that of soft drinks but half that of brewed coffee.
This amount of caffeine is probably not harmful for adults, but exceeds recommendations for children.
Health professional suggests no more than 45 mg/day for children 4-6 years, 62.5 mg/d for 7-9 years and 85 mg/day for children 10-12 years.
Pregnant and breast feeding women should not consume caffeine. The side effects can cause respiratory problems in unborns.
Many energy drinks contain the herbs Gingko biloba and ginseng. These herbs do not improve performance and are added to most energy drinks in very low amounts. They can interact with drugs like warfarin and affect blood clotting, however, so be sure to talk to your doctor.
Taurine is an amino acid and found in the diet in meat and dairy products. Some energy drinks claim that taurine makes you more alert but there is no research to show this. Most energy drinks have 1 gram of taurine per 250 mL can. The safety of such large doses is not known.
Use of Energy Drinks During Exercise?
The best choices during exercise are water or sports drinks. The high sugar content and carbonation of energy drinks can interfere with hydration which makes them a poor choice for use during exercise. Proper hydration is the main concern during exercise, especially in the heat.
Remember exercising is already increasing your heart rate!
If an energy drink is causing you to feel the jitters or making you feel uneasy, that is a sign that it is too much for your nervous system.
Taking a muli-vitamin with your meal and having a cup of coffee can often give some people the same lift.
Remember fitness is a life long journey about learning about yourself, and your body.....take notes, learn and grow mentally and physically.
~ Best always to understanding you ! The Fitness Twins ! ~

Time to CowGirl Up Ladies
Get serious about your fitness and health programs. Check back weekly to follow our Fitness updates for a healthier lifestyle this year.
By popular request, here is the complete workout using the Fitness Twins: Body Resistance Program as seen at the Southern Women's Show.
All you need is approximately a 5x5 space or more to perform this workout sequence. This workout is designed for your home training program or take it on the road with you to continue your workout program. Perform these 10 exercises in sequence. Work your stamina up to 2-3 sequences for a total body workout. One sequence of these 10 exercises is approximately 12 minutes.
Continue reading "Body Resistance Program" »
Realize that fitness is a life long journey. By eating a sensible diet and following the training plan that works for you, you will continue to understand yourself and develop a better mind and body.
With that said, also know that there are great people helping others in the world, yet they do not always focus on their own health and wellness. If you feel that you do not have enough time, focus or energy in your daily life, we encourage you to take care of your own health program first so you may serve and help others to the best of your ability. We are here to help get you started and motivated on building a better, healthier you. Let's get right to it!
Continue reading "Twinological Training" »